Capitalist Consumers
by Heather Kuhn (May.05.2003)

    People keep asking me we what we can do to make a difference in the world. One of the most important aspects lies in the answer of how our societal system works, and why it is that the corporations have all the power and the money, and how to get it back.

    We live in a capitalist society. What makes our system operate, is the obvious, money. The big corporations: Walmart, Burger King, etc all have massive power, massive amounts of money because we give them our money and our power. We allow the idea that Walmart is the main store we may purchase from because of the convenience and low rates of the merchandise and service. But remember, when we give them the money and the power, it determines what our children's lifestyle will become. If you want your children managing a McDonald's at $30,000 a year, and then working 90 hours a week because you don't have time to make a sandwich for lunch, then that is your choice. More than a billion people (and growing) spend thousands of dollars on these large corporations every year. That equals Tens of Billions for each corporation. There are about 30 people who earn $14,000 per year; Which is $420,000 + higher management who earn $90,000 at each corporation, equals $510,000 a year at each franchise. That is a half a million dollars, hardly making a dent in one of the tens of billions in profits by the corporate executives when we multiply ten billion times the number of super corporations that exist. That is a whole lot of our money being filtered out of our small communities and businesses.

    Reagan had the idea of the Trickle Down Theory. This theory stated that the working class would own their businesses and the rich would spend their money and the small communities would get a fair share of the capitalist pie. However, when it is a handful of corporate executives that own the corporations, and they all scheme together to keep the money we give them, then the money doesn't ever get into our hands. They just keep our money and make their businesses even bigger, expanding them to more and more countries. Just look at Iraq, who recently opened a new Burger King and Pizza Hut. The conquering of other countries is not just about oil, it's also about power and money. Think of how much money the corporate executives will make from these foreign franchises (added to what we already pay to them) and how much the government will be paid for letting these super corporations continue to build without any repercussions or limits.

    There are already many people who are boycotting the super-corporations either because of low wages, slave labor, poor working conditions, or simply because they want to invest in their own community, and keep the money in the hands of friends. Join us. This is our power. This is where we can make a difference. When more and more people stop shopping at Walmart, Burger King, McDonald's, etc. and give to their small communities, then their communities will flourish. There is always the argument that Joe Shmoe's Diner is more expensive than Wendy's 99 Cent Menu, but when you think about how Wendy's pays $6 / hour on transient workers, crappy or non existent health care, cheap food, low quality, and that the money we all spend there is hoarded and not circulated into our communities, Versus Joe Shmoe who owns his business and plans on working there until he retires, will give his money to Local Florist, Local Farmers, and his small community, then really, can we afford to go to the Super-Corporations?

    Okay, so you may wonder, what difference will I make by not shopping at these large corporations? Well, you are personally returning money and power to your community. You are returning choice to your fellow neighbors. You are giving Joe the opportunity to retire and not have to spend his last days bagging groceries at the Walmart checkout. You are positively influencing your own future as well as the future of your children by not forcing them to be poor and work at barest wages, you are allowing your community to grow.

    What difference does it make to each of the corporations? That is thousands of dollars each year that they won't have in profits. That will influence them to not add yet another Walmart / KFC in your neighboring town or in your city. And, as more and more people make this change, then our small businesses will grow, and we will have more money to donate, to give to our communities. What better time to start than Now? You can make the difference, You Have The Power.
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